Experience the Miracle of Shirdi Sai Baba In Your Life Now!
Let Shirdi Baba show you who he is.
Everyone has a relationship with Sai, the Divine Father. Participate from wherever you are.
“My business is to give blessings. All things are Mine. I give everything to everyone.”
-Shirdi Sai Baba
Global Awakening

Shirdi Sai Baba, Universal Master to the world and incarnation of Shiva, lived on Earth until his mahasamadhi in 1918. For sixty years, in the rural town of Shirdi, India, he lived as a holy beggar, a fakir. His outward appearance as a beggar was a perfect disguise for his true identity. The Divine Father out of His love for humanity came to live among us.
Baba lived side by side with the villagers of Shirdi, begging for his food at five houses every day, distributing food to the people and to the animals and birds. Although he lived in the highest state of divine consciousness, he was engaged in the villagers’ troubles and sorrows, taking them as his own. He healed and ministered to the sick, cleaning the wounds of a leper, cooking food and feeding his devotees each day, nights were spent with them dancing and singing in blissful celebration. Throughout everything he taught eternal truths in parables and stories in simple language they could understand. “Night and day I think of my people,” Baba said. Baba’s boundless love and exalted spiritual state drew people far and wide. His miracles were legendary; everyone had their own story to tell.
“If you ask, God will give anything.” Shirdi Baba
He demonstrated breathtaking miracles. He demonstrated again and again that he was omniscient and omnipresent, and the gods, goddesses, and saints of all faiths were in him. He was one with all of Creation, he was in everything and, at the same time, he was with them, taking care of them.
This humble fakir was a Master of Creation who inaugurated and the era of spiritual awakening that is unfolding now. Shirdi Baba, with Jesus, Mother Mary, Babaji, Buddha and other great masters are working toward the global enlightenment of Christ Consciousness called the Sai Yuga. It is now that Baba is connecting to his students around the world through his consciousness.
“Baba could give anything from his begging bowl. Whenever
Baba wanted he could get from it what he wanted.”
–Sri Kaleshwar
Miracle of Sai

Baba was a master of miracles, they happened around him and in the lives of his devotees. This was, and is, a characteristic of Baba’s energy. It is a way that Baba demonstrates his love. The only way to understand Shirdi Sai Baba is to experience him directly. Even though he is no longer in his physical body his spirit is alive and as active as ever. This is one of his unique characteristics.
Before his death, Baba gave his promise that he would be even more active after his samadhi. He would protect and provide for them, give advice immediately upon asked, and fulfill desires, and if we threw on our burdens to him he would bear them. If we look to him, he will look to us. It’s that simple.
“You will never be able to understand thoroughly how great
Sai Baba was! He was the personification of perfection. If you know him as I
know him you will call him the Master of Creation.”
-Meher Baba
When you focus and connect to him he very palpably enters your life. You are a part of his leela, divine sport. He participates in your life in a way that is unique to you. You start to experience the “incomprehensible incidents of God” happening in your life. It is a miracle that Baba continues to be involved with his devotees’ lives in such an intimate and recognizable way.
He promised he would be even more active after his death, “You devotees are my children. I am your father. You have to get everything from me.” That is why people are experiencing the Baba phenomenon, and is the source of the fastest growing spiritual movement in the world. There is no organization spreading the teachings of Shirdi Baba, it is Baba himself who is giving people the experience of his living presence. This opportunity is available to everyone, it doesn’t require belonging to an organization or changing your religion, just simply turning your attention to him. He is there for everyone. He is the father to all people. He is here to give blessings to everyone.

He is Bhola Shankara, who grants the wish of anyone who thinks on him or calls his name. If you have faith and patience, you will see the results. Like Shiva, is easy to please Baba, all you need to do is think of him, “You look to me, and I will look to you.” Baba can be experienced by anyone; he is accessible to all, you just need to call on him. He will answer; it is his promise. He said he would go to any length across the seven seas to take care and fulfill the desires of his devotees. He is Bhola Shankara, who grants the wish of anyone who thinks on him. He is ever with us. He frequently appears to devotees throughout the world in different forms today.
“Shirdi Baba manifests himself to his worthy devotees even today in his physical form and guides them.” Sri Galavant Maharaja
The Course:
This online course is to learn about Shirdi Baba and for each person to experience Baba personally and directly. Your course will include listening to a daily reading a chapter from the Sri Sai Satcharitra and a short daily meditation. The aim of the course is for everyone to experience the blessing of the Miracle of Sai in their life as it is now!
The benefits from reading the Sri Sai Satcharitra are endless, through reading it Baba fulfills all our desires. During this course you will experience this blessing real-time in your life. This course is part of the ongoing process of developing your personal relationship with Shirdi Sai Baba using sacred formulas and energy techniques revealed in the ancient palm leaf manuscripts. The techniques give the formulas for having Darshan, to be able to see the Divine with your own two eyes. The manuscripts, written by the ancient rishis, were recently shared with the world by Sri Kaleshwar of Penukonda, India (b.1973 - d.2012). For more about Sri Kaleshwar's teachings on Shirdi Sai Baba and the palm leaf manuscripts see 'Shirdi Sai Baba The Universal Master,' by Sri Kaleshwar.
Shirdi Sai Baba & the Sai Yuga
“It will be very easy to attain
enlightenment. The way to God in the Sai Yuga is Baba’s nature —
service. Love all, serve all, to see humanity as one, to see every
human as good, and to make people happy.”
- Sri Kaleshwar
“It will be a Yuga of love. A Yuga of
understanding one another, loving each other, communicating with
each other, being truthful, honest, sincere, showing sympathy,
mercy and kindness to each other… In the Sai Yuga, everyone will be
sympathetic, kind and very spiritual. Everyone will want to know
about God, and love, and to understand each other. It will be very easy
to find God because Shirdi Baba will be working with everyone.”
- Sri Kaleshwar

What You Will Do In This Course:
• Listen each day to a prerecorded reading of the Sri Sai Satcharitra created especially for this online course. ALL AUDIO FILES DOWNLOADABLE AS PODCASTS FOR OFFLINE ACCESS
• Practice daily prayer (mantra) meditation, using formulas and techniques from ancient palm leaf manuscripts to directly connect to Shirdi Baba's consciousness.
• Read teachings discussing Shirdi Baba's life, teachings and continued blessings for the planet today.
• Experience a powerful three-night meditation process 'Shirdi Baba Yoga Nidra' connecting with Shirdi Baba's consciousness during sleep.
• Participate from wherever you are in a powerful sacred Sudarshana fire puja for greatest success and protection circles and experience Shirdi Baba's blessings through the fire in a special course
• Be a part of a Global Spiritual Community now stepping
forward to act together to bring Shirdi Baba's energy to the
world and create peace, healing, and harmony on our planet.
Topics Discussed Include:
• You Are Not the Doer
• Faith and Patience
• Divine Qualities Are Your Passport
• Surrender Everything, Gain Everything
• The Power of Devotion
• Dakshina: Dharma of Money
• Contentment Is Key
• God is Both with Form and Is Formless
• Baba Darshan
• Baba and Jesus
• Making a Deal with Baba
• Bholoshankara – Receiving Divine Father’s Unconditional Love
• Practice and Benefits of Reading the Sri Satcharitra
What You Will Receive:
• 22 downloadable Audio Podcasts - the Forward and Chapters 1 - 23 of the Sri Sai Satcharitra.
• 9 downloadable high quality Graphic Images of Shirdi Sai Baba each in multiple sizes for easy framing for altar, home or other personal uses.
• Multiple downloadable Audio and Text files for learning and practicing the prayers and techniques being learned in the course.
• Full version PDF and eBook electronic files of the new rendoring of Hemadpant's 'Sri Sai Satcharitra: The Wonderful Life and Teachings of Shirdi Sai Baba' by Monika Penukonda.
• Full version PDF electronic file of 'Universal Master: Shirdi Sai Baba' by Sri Kaleshwar.
• Participate in a group discussion board / blog forum online moderated especially for this process.
• Teachings
for developing your own energy channels individualized for each
participant’s stage of relationship with Shirdi Sai Baba.
Experience Shirdi Baba's Blessings Through Sacred Fire
Receive an energy transmission at the next Maha Lakshmi, Abundance and Prosperity Sacred Fire Ceremony after you register! (Regularly $54 dakshina)
This is offered to Bhagavan Shirdi Sai with
infinite gratitude and humble pranams.
May Baba bless everyone to experience
his infinite love and living presence.
May the bells on Sai’s ankles be heard dancing in your heart
and may his leelas be sung in your ears for all time to come.

Your Instructor(s)
Mataji (Monika Penukonda Taylor)
Having worked closely with Sri Kaleshwar for 15 years in Penukonda, India, Mataji now holds the living tradition and lineage of Sri Kaleshwar, transferred to her before his mahasamadhi in 2012. He prepared her to bring the knowledge and direct experience of the Divine Mother to a world that needs to awaken to Her presence. Mataji’s inspiration, dedication, and leadership have created opportunities for anyone to access ancient knowledge through ongoing programs and initiatives through the Divine Mother Center. She founded Peace Fires, Holy Womb Initiative, and the Divine Mother School, activities of the Divine Mother Center, and continues her stewardship of these programs to bring the miracle of the Divine Mother to the world. Sri Kaleshwar said of her, “Monika (Mataji) belongs to the Divine Mother Kanaka Durga’s feet. She is a Divine Ma on the planet. She will walk and give a lot of wisdom and clarity to bloom wisdom. She will bless millions of people on the planet. She’s going to do it.”
Mataji and Nityanandaji hold regular sacred ceremonies for healing on behalf of individuals, communities, and the globe.
Mataji is the author of Kaleshwar and a modern-day rendering of the Sri Sai Satcharitra and The Holy Womb: The Secrets of the Divine Mother’s Creation. She is also the editor and ghostwriter of Sri Kaleshwar’s books: The Real Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ; Shirdi Baba, The Universal Master, Victory Through Vaastu: Ancient Science of Vedic Architecture; The Divine Mystery Fort, The Teachings of Sri Kaleshwar.
Nityaanandaji (Clint Thompson, MD)Nityanandaji lived in Penukonda, India, for 12 years, where he studied directly with Sri Kaleshwar to train healers and students in the West. During those 12 years, he also served as Sri Kaleshwar’s physician. Before meeting Sri Kaleshwar, he was an Internist and Chief Resident at UCSF. Nityanandaji founded the Divine Mother Center in Mendocino County, California, in 2004 and became a permanent resident of the Center upon returning to the United States in 2012. He now serves as a senior teacher and head of leadership for the Virtual Ashram Online Soul University, teaches weekly classes promoting the growth of students and masters of ancient knowledge, and works directly with students as a mentor and spiritual coach.
Nityanandaji and Mataji offer online programs, individual remote healings, and global blessing transmissions, as well as regular sacred ceremonies at the Divine Mother Center to bring healing, balance, and the experience of the Divine Mother to the world.
Course Curriculum
StartStarting Your Course: Beginning A Divine Energy (Shakti) Process
StartSummary of Course Instructions
StartHow to Join the Abundance and Prosperity Sacred Fire Ceremony (FREE BONUS)
Start'Miracle of Sai' Course Prayer (Mantra)
StartThird Eye Technique for Connecting to Shirdi Sai Baba in Meditation
StartPersonal Mantras (Charged by Sri Kaleshwar)
StartShirdi Baba Yoga Nidra Meditation Instructions
StartShirdi Baba's PIN CODE Prayer (Mantra) - Namasmarana
StartTechnique To Connect With Shirdi Baba's Soul Each Night
StartMiracle of Sai - Discussion Blog: Instructions for How to Use Disqus
StartMiracle of Sai - Discussion Blog
StartMiracle of Sai Course Intention (Sankalpam)
PreviewThe Power of Reading the Sri Sai Satcharitra
StartPictures of Shirdi Sai Baba - Downloadable Digital Images
StartSri Sai Satcharitra - Downloadable Full Version eBook & PDF
StartShirdi Sai Baba - The Universal Master - Downloadable Full Version PDF
PreviewShirdi Baba's 11 Assurances - Downloadable PDF
StartShirdi Baba Slideshow (11:54)
Preview"Sai Natha Sharanam" - A New Bhajan Written for Baba Now Available!
Preview“Forward to Sri Sai Satcharitra" by Monika Penukonda
StartChapter 1 - Grinding Wheat to Stop Cholera Epidemic
StartChapter 2 - Necessity for a Guru
StartChapter 3 - Baba's Promise
StartChapter 4 - Baba's First Appearance in Shirdi
StartChapter 5 - Baba Lived Simply
StartChapter 6 - Power of the Guru's Touch
StartChapter 7 - Baba's Miracles and Yogic Practices
StartChapter 8 - Importance of Human Birth
StartChapter 9 - Why Baba Begged
StartChapter 10 - Baba's Divine Nature
StartChapter 11 - Baba's Control Over the Elements
StartChapter 12 - Saints Love All Beings Equally
StartChapter 13 - Baba's Cures
StartChapter 14 - The Life of Sai Baba Was Naturally Sweet
StartChapter 15 - Pilgrimage to Shirdi
StartChapters 16 & 17 - Special Qualities of Baba (Part 1)
StartChapters 18 & 19 - Baba Imparts Spiritual Instructions (Part 1)
StartChapter 20 - The Kindness of Baba
StartChapter 21 - Asking for Peace of Mind
StartChapter 22 - Baba Constantly Changed His Way
StartChapter 23 - Allah Malik - God Is One - God Is the Soul Proprietor
Testimonials from previous Divine Mother Center online courses:
I am impressed with the depth of the multiple profound meditation/ processes in this program. This is so beautiful! These programs are always better if possible (deeper as energy, love, beauty) than the previous always! I was deeply moved by the depth of the process and filled with much humbleness and gratitude. The program were deeply healing to us.
M.D., Seattle WA
Thank you so much for that great gift you gave to us through giving that program! Thank you!!! The need of all of us to see the Mother, the aching for that connection to the Mother takes us forward and here you are, offering the remedies!! Our heart is filled with love again to you as instruments of the Divine, guided and taught by our beloved Swamiji. May Mother bless you with infinite satchitananda.
A.H., Oberösterreich, Austria
I would like to wholeheartedly thank you for the amazing series of programs, starting with Mother Divine festival 2012 through Guru Purnima 2013. What a beautiful experience that was. It helped me hugely with my volunteering in Vancouver that I do on my time off from work in Alberta, a hospital and old age home. I hope with time I will have more clarity on how can I help the mission. If there is anything I can help with, I would gladly do so.
Y.K., British Columbia, Canada
Thank you again for making the Sudarshana process available! I wanted to give you some immediate feedback that has been a wonderful affirmation. My cat Pandu got chomped by a dog the day before the process. He had a very bad head wound that got infected and quickly got swollen into a huge bump and a leg sprain. As the fire puja started I asked that he be included in my healing and sent energy and intentions to him as well as being fully receptive for my own physical and emotional healing. Thank you for the wonderful ceremony. It felt like a great deal of energy was transmitted. I rested and slept after it and when I woke up I checked on Pandu. His head wound had completely drained during the ceremony and by the next day was MUCH better. Today it is almost unnoticeable! He still has a bit of post traumatic stress but that is disappearing too. Viewed as an outer reflection of my own healing, this feels wonderful. I am sure this is a very significant step forward for myself as well.
M.F., Sandy, OR