Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (Puja) Course

Learn how to lead this powerful sacred fire ceremony, creating the greatest protection circles, health, success and happiness in your life now

The Sudar­shana chakra is the high­est divine weapon of Lord Maha V­ishnu. Lord Mahav­ishnu is very kind, very sym­pa­thetic, his nature is love, ‘Who­ever prays to me, within days, I’ll be there in his house. I’ll give the bless­ings to those who pray on me.’ The energy angels of the Sudar­shana chakra can cut off any negativity. ~ Sri Kaleshwar

Sacred Fire Cer­e­mony (Puja) for Protection, Health, Hap­pi­ness & Success

The Sudarshana Puja is a sacred fire ceremony (puja), used since ancient times to bring the greatest protection circles, success, happiness and good health for you, your family, and community. The divine vibrations created during sacred fire ceremonies (pujas) work over long distances and send the highest positive energy anywhere to bring healing, understanding, success in our endeavors, and help create a happy and peaceful world.

As the world situation worsens, it’s never been more important to strengthen our protection circles. Sri Kaleshwar personally had the Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (puja) done for himself several times a year to maintain his own protection circles and for success of his works. All pujas, he said, keep adding and adding to our soul capacity and increasing our protection circles.

One of the most powerful spiritual practices you can do to receive high positive energy is a sacred fire ceremony.~ Sri Kaleshwar

A puja is a sacred spiritual ceremony; a holy formula for connecting to God to receive cosmic energy into our souls and divine blessings for what we need in our lives, and to send and receive healing to uplift others. The Sudarshana Puja uses special processes during a sacred fire ceremony (puja) to connect deeply with the Divine Father and the Divine Mother to take care of what our souls need.

It (a sacred fire ceremony or puja) works to give the highest protection against disease or tragedy. It can cover for a family for a hundred years. A lot of benefits they’re seeing (from fire pujas): curing of diseases, problem solving, bringing success in business, spiritual growth, mental strength, healing broken hearts, washing out depression and other forms of personal failure, or bringing happiness and prosperity to one’s property and family... It’s like the highest radio wave (transmitting) energy. It works automatically to send the person the highest positive energy. It can go anywhere. That is the power of fire yagyas/pujas. ~ Sri Kaleshwar

Some of the Benefits of the Sudarshana Fire Puja:

  • Gives the highest positive energy to your soul
  • Brings success in worldly and spiritual endeavors
  • Is highly impossible for negative energy to be put on you
  • Overcoming enemies
  • Relief from inexplicable sufferings, diseases and hostilities
  • Removes effects of black magic and other intentional negativity
  • Protects from unforeseen dangers
  • Protects property

About this Course:

This self-paced course is designed for you to learn about this ancient process and have everything you need at your fingertips to do your own Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (puja) wherever you are in the world. You will learn:

  • The 'Sudarshana Puja' sacred fire ceremony process and its many benefits for your personal, spiritual, and business life
  • Ancient knowledge from the palm leaf manuscripts about the Five Elements and Sudarshana Energy systems
  • The power of divine vibrations
  • How to create protection circles through use of sacred fire ceremony (puja), sacred prayers (mantras) and sacred form (yantra)
  • The power of sacred fire pits (dhunis)
  • How to build your own dhuni
  • How to set up and lead a Sudarshana Puja wherever you are

Sudarshana Fire Ceremonies (pujas) gives you tools to help create a safer, happier, healthier, and more successful life. Sign up NOW and receive FREE remote transmission during the upcoming Divine Mother Center Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (puja) after you register (a $54 value)!

IMPORTANT NOTE: While this course is designed for all levels of experience with the ancient knowledge from the palm leaf manuscripts, PREVIOUS INITIATION INTO THE SUDARSHANA CHAKRA and knowledge of its sacred geometry (yantra) and associated sacred prayers (mantras) IS REQUIRED. This can only be done in-person by another initiated student of this knowledge within specific energetic guidelines (dikshas) and is therefore not possible to do as a part of this online course. To find a certified teacher near you for this teaching and initiation please contact us BEFORE enrolling in this course.

Your Instructor(s)

Patrick Huffman & Nityanandaji
Patrick Huffman & Nityanandaji

Patrick 'Mahavir' Huffman began his studies with Sri Kaleshwar in 2000 and worked closely with Swami in Penukonda, India until Kaleshwar's mahasamadhi in 2012. He is a Kaleshwar certified teacher, healer, and Vaastu consultant. He lives at the Divine Lineage Healing Center in Laytonville, CA.

Nityanandaji lived in Penukonda, India, for 12 years, where he studied directly with Sri Kaleshwar to train healers and students in the West. During those 12 years, he also served as Sri Kaleshwar’s physician. Before meeting Sri Kaleshwar, he was an Internist and Chief Resident at UCSF. Nityanandaji founded the Divine Mother Center in Mendocino County, California, in 2004 and became a permanent resident of the Center upon returning to the United States in 2012. He now serves as a senior teacher and head of leadership for the Virtual Ashram Online Soul University, teaches weekly classes promoting the growth of students and masters of ancient knowledge, and works directly with students as a mentor and spiritual coach.

Nityanandaji and Mataji offer online programs, individual remote healings, and global blessing transmissions, as well as regular sacred ceremonies at the Divine Mother Center to bring healing, balance, and the experience of the Divine Mother to the world.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to Doing the Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (Puja)
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I don't know the Sudarshana yantra and mantras?
This course requires prior knowledge and initiation into the Sudarshana's sacred geometry (yantra) and associated sacred prayers (mantras). This can only be done in-person under specific energetic guidelines (dikshas). To find a certified teacher near you for this teaching and initiation please contact us at BEFORE enrolling in this course.

Whatever you need, whatever your family needs in your personal, spiritual, and business lives, a sacred fire ceremony (puja) will help. All humanity benefits too from the divine vibrations of a fire puja and these vibrations help create a happier, more loving and peaceful world.

Join this course and learn how important the ancient Sudarshana Sacred Fire Ceremony (puja) process is for today's modern times, and just how easy it is for you to lead your own Sudarshana puja for yourself and others now. Learn more today!


“I want to thank all concerned with the Sudarshana fire puja last night. As usual I followed the process on line from my home in the United Kingdom. Due to the time difference I found it quite difficult to stay awake, felt very fidgety but could feel the very strong energy flowing and the fire was magnificent to share. I felt great joy when Nityaananda called my name - it's such a blessing to be part of what is happening at Laytonville. I'm having health problems with my arthritis at the moment and can't get out much having had a couple of falls in my garden. This has made me aware of my vulnerability. When I woke this morning my whole body and being feels surrounded by the protection circles. I am so grateful - like a new lease of life. Massive thanks to you all. You make such a difference to my life. Jai Ma, Jai Sai.“

- J.R., Surrey, United Kingdom

“I wanted to give you an update on my concerns that I discussed with you. You and I spoke on Friday morning. The Puja was on Saturday afternoon. My house was shown to perspective buyers on Sunday. On Monday they gave me an offer. On Tuesday, I gave them a counter offer, which they accepted. We will open escrow tomorrow. Done! Good job! Great puja! Thanks to the Guru Parampara and many thanks to you and your team.”

- K.M., Santa Barbara, CA

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